August 14, 2024

10:20 – 11:00

Baybachenova Karlygash Amantaevna

Topic: How to build a furniture business in Kazakhstan from scratch

11.00 – 11.40

Rosa Bimagambetova

Topic: How to combine work between residential and commercial projects?

11.40 – 12.20

Sultanova Zarina

Topic: Features of working in HoReCa using the example of the GS Group design studio

12.40 – 13.20

Kornienko Natalia

Topic: How to find your first client in the niche of public interiors?

13.20 – 14.00

Sharipova Laura

Topic: Horeca is a dynamic and diverse sector. Prospects and opportunities.

14:20 – 15:00

Gulmira Urbisinova

Topic: Implementation of the interior of a full-service restaurant in collaboration with world-class Japanese designers.

15:00 – 15:40

Kusainova Lyazzat

Topic: What work is not included in the design project using the example of catering

16:00 – 16:40

Abdullaeva Alua

Topic: Working with media influencers in the HoReCA segment

16:40 – 17:20

Akhmetova Akerke

Topic: Cafe: Unusual selling solutions that set establishments apart from others

August 15, 2024

10:20 – 11:00

Baybachenova Karlygash Amantaevna

Topic: What problems often occur in the furniture business

11.00 – 11.40

Marina Tatyana

Topic: Differences and features of residential and commercial projects: Use of materials, budget. Design requirements and deadlines.

11.40 – 12.20

Abeldinova Botagoz

Topic: Revival of traditions: How ethnic style with a Kazakh accent and environmental innovation transforms HoReCa design

12.40 – 13.20

Abdalieva Bekzada

Topic: Ergonomics in HORECA

13.20 – 14.00

Ainur Lestai

Topic: National code in HORECA

14:20 – 15:00

Gulmira Shurabayeva

Topic: Projects of the HoReCa segment in Western Kazakhstan. Using the example of an Eco-hotel on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

15:00 – 15:40

Novitskaya Olga

Topic: Why do gyms need interior design?

16:00 – 16:40

Maratkyzy Rosa

Topic: Working with bloggers in the HoReCA segment

16:40 – 17:20

Doskhozhaev Dauren

Topic: How Homestyler will make designing easier